We need High Quality Education

Carolina Granados
3 min readAug 4, 2020
Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

High quality education is the key for changing the world: countries that invest in the education of their population report better life quality; kids that have access to good education, have better job opportunities and when we pursue learning as a priority in our lives, our communities benefit from it. When we choose education and health as the pillars of our society substantial changes happen.

It is not a coincidence that countries ranked by the HDR (Human Development Reports of the UN) as the top places to live like Norway, Switzerland, Australia and Sweden, are listed as the best educated countries since 1990 (HDR, 2020). Norway, for example, “invests more than the 30% of its Gross Domestic Product per capita on educational institutions” (OECD, 2019, pg. 3). This is a proven fact that when countries decide to spend their resources in educating their population, they become better places for living.

“ An investment in knowledge pays the best interest”

-Benjamin Franklin-

It is also known that when kids have access to high quality education, they can change their future. They allow themselves to dream with better jobs than the ones their parents have, they can aspire to achieve a better life; they live without fear of the future because they are actually the owners…

